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- Does Activated Charcoal Detox THC for National Guard Members?
- Does Sweating Detox THC in National Guard?
- How Long Does a THC Detox Take : Timelines and Guidelines
- How to Pass Your Military Drug Test
- What happens if you fail a military drug test
- Military Drug Test FAQ
- How to fight a positive drug test in the military.
ABOUT National Guard Benefits
ARNG Benefits is the virtual gateway to request Tuition Assistance (TA) online, anytime for classroom, distance learning, and online college courses.
As a National Guard Soldier a wide variety of educational assistance is available for you. Once you are ready to begin a degree program, your Education Services Officer (ESO) will guide you to determine your educational needs.
In ARNG GI Bill programs sections, you will be able to print your Eligibility of Mobilized Soldier notification letter for CH 1607 as well as Notice Of Basic Eligibility for CH 1606.
Get a Military Transcript – Visit AARTS Website to view a copy of your Military Transcript. Your Education Services Officer (ESO) can then determine if your military experience may earn you college credit.
Get an eDISCOVER Token! – eDISCOVER is a career, college and job search online educational guidance program. All members and their dependents of the ARNG are eligible. Obtain a user ID and password (token) from the ARNG ESC or your State Education Office.
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